Importing .sql file into mysql database
1.Go to mysql command prompt.
2.Go to the database , in which you want to import a .sql file.
3.Then use the following command to import file.
" source path-of-the-sqlfile "
Note: Source is the keyword after that u have to give the path of the file where that sql file is present
Exporting a file from mysql database
1.Go to windows command prompt ( mysql path must be set in the environment variables )
2.Then use the following command to import file.
" mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename tablename > filename.sql "
" mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename tablename > give-path-where-u-want-to-store-the-sql-file/filename.sql"
Importing .csv file into mysql database
load data local infile 'E:/Sample/sample.csv' into table fing_myresult fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n' (columnName1,columnName2,columnName3,columnName4)
1.Go to mysql command prompt.
2.Go to the database , in which you want to import a .sql file.
3.Then use the following command to import file.
" source path-of-the-sqlfile "
Note: Source is the keyword after that u have to give the path of the file where that sql file is present
Exporting a file from mysql database
1.Go to windows command prompt ( mysql path must be set in the environment variables )
2.Then use the following command to import file.
" mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename tablename > filename.sql "
" mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename tablename > give-path-where-u-want-to-store-the-sql-file/filename.sql"
Importing .csv file into mysql database
load data local infile 'E:/Sample/sample.csv' into table fing_myresult fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by '\n' (columnName1,columnName2,columnName3,columnName4)