Thursday, June 4, 2015

Different ways of reading keys from Language.propertis file in Liferay

In Liferay we have one great advantage is that, we can use the same key to get the different values of particular word or key based upon the Locale(nothing but the language). This blog will help you using the different ways.

1.Directly using tag :-

<liferay-ui:message key="payment"/>

2.By using Stirng Variable :-

String checkout = LanguageUtil.get(portletConfig,themeDisplay.getLocale(),"payment"); 

Path for Language properties file :-  src/content/ :-  ex: (Key : Vlaue)
  payment: Payment :-  ex: (Key : Vlaue)

  payment: Pembayaran

When ever you use the above key(first way or second way) depending upon the current locale the value will be diplayed.

WEB-INF/Portlet.xml :- The entry in the portlet.xml is also mandatory then only you can able to see the values otherwise you can see only key as output.


Liferay DXP JNDI Data Source Cofiguration

 This Blog will help us to learn about the JNDI Data Source Configuration in Liferay DXP. We have tested this with Liferay 7.3 with Tomcat. ...