Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Liferay DXP Patching Tool

This Blog will help you to apply the Liferay Patch to Liferay Enterprise users. As we know that Liferay provides patching-tool utility to update the latest fix pack. Liferay Enterprise users by default they will have a Patching tool in the server. If it is not available then we can download from the Liferay Website. 
  1.  Download and Configure Patching Tool.
  • Download patching from Liferay Website.
  • Below is the folder structure inside the patching tool 
  • Change the below details in default.properties files.
        • Inside the patches folder we need to copy the Patch file zip. Below i have two versions copied into my local pathches folder below is the screenshot.
        • After copying the Patching file Open the patching tool (liferay-dxp-digital-enterprise-7.0-sp6\patching-tool\) path in command prompt. 
        • In the above path, we have the files "patching-tool.bat" - for windows system and "patching-tool.sh"- for Linux or ubuntu system.
        • Below are the few commands which are available.
                   patching-tool info - This command is used to display the information about the patch available in your Liferay server and the version of the patching tool.
                     patching-tool auto-discovery - This command is used to auto-discover the Liferay Server based on your default.properties file.
                       patching-tool setup - This command is used to setup the patching.
                       patching-tool install- This command is used to install the patching.
            • First run "patching-tool setup" or   "./patching-tool.sh setup" for the setup of patch.
            • Then run "patching-tool install" or   "./patching-tool.sh install" to install the patch.
            • After installing the patch we can check the version of the patch by using the "patching-tool info" command.

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